Work Package 5

Work Package 5: Quality Assurance & Monitoring (Lead Organization: University of Battambang)

This WP aims at defining the indicators of quality, test quality based on this methodology and maintain the high quality of the outputs in order to certify that they meet the standards required. This quality management plan offers tools for systematic monitoring of project and partner management, internal and external communication, project outcomes and budget management. The quality plan will analyze possible preventive actions in order to minimize the nonconformity at the beginning and during implementation of the project. It will provide clear and measurable objectives to assess the quality of progress and to contribute to the feedback needed for the external evaluator.


5.1 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) (Sensitive)

5.2 Quality Board Appointment (QB) (Sensitive)

5.3 Periodic Quality and Evaluation Report (Sensitive) 

5.4 Final Impact and Evaluation Report (Sensitive)

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Prof. Óscar Rodil Marzábal

Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, University of Santiago de Compostela

Avda do Burgo, s/n. Campus Norte, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain)

